Mathias Huysmans

The awkward Photographer

Mathias Huysmans

The awkward Photographer

Now easily talk to models!

And Start having fun by becoming the assertive photographer who gets more out of life.

Overcome your social anxieties and master making people feel at ease

in front of your camera for only $79.

Now easily talk to models!

Start having fun by becoming

the assertive photographer

that gets more out of life.

Overcome your social anxieties

and master making people feel at ease in front of your camera

for only $79.

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"After spending years

feeling nervous around others,

I put everything I learned into a system that is perfect for photographers.

It is the fastest way to go from awkward to social. You'll make instant friends

and take better pictures."

"After spending years

feeling nervous around others,

I put everything I learned into a system that is perfect for photographers.

It is the fastest way to go from awkward to social. You'll make instant friends

and take better pictures."

The Awkward Photographer course

From super awkward to earning big with photography.

A guide to creating the photography career you want by becoming assertive in only 4 modules, based on the scientific tools I discovered during my own journey .

The Awkward Photographer course

A guide to create the photography carreer you want by becoming Assertive in only

4 moduls based on the scientific tools I discovered during my own journey from super awkward

to earning Big with photography

A step By Step Proces

With Exercises from home

a Bonus module to make Money

A step By Step Proces

With Exercises from home

a Bonus module to make Money

What is it and who is it for?

A system to overcome your Social Anxieties, based on my own expierences and what I've learned from psychologists. It is for anyone who loves and wants to get better at photography, especiacly for those who want to use their camera as a tool to connect with people and improve their social skills.

How does it work?

Watch the lessons, do the challenges and exercises. You'll experience drastic changes in your life.

Do I need a camera?

Well, It is a course about how to use your camera as a tool to overcome your social anxieties. But I'm sure the camera on your phone counts too!

Module 1

It Starts with You

Before I was able to change how I felt with others around me, I had to learn why I felt this way. So let's look at why You feel nervous and dive into some exercises to feel instantly more at ease.

Module 2

Become Assertive

In this module, I'll share a story about something that changed Everything for me.

It'll give you the insights needed to feel empowered instead of feeling like you are annoying when you are assertive.

Module 3

More Fun during Shoots

Perfection is a bitch, especially when you expect it during social interactions. In this module, I'll share some mindset changes and specific techniques that will help you become a natural in conversations.

Module 4

The after Taste

In this module, you'll learn from my mistakes to avoid making the same ones I did. Because, damn... Over the years, I've burned some bridges, ruined friendships, and destroyed the possibility of working with some clients ever again. Let's make sure you won't do the same!

The quote from my favourite book that put me in the right direction

"The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun."

- John D. Rockefeller

American industrialist

What can you find in the course?

Learn how to use photography as a tool

to become more assertive in

a step-by-step process

Make sure you'll never miss an opportunity again

Go through 19 videos filled with exercises, techniques and practical lessons.

The 4 modules are structured like a photoshoot.

Follow along at your own pace

Module 1: Success lies

in The Preparation

The first step is to understand why you feel anxious and awkward and what the challenge of becoming more assertive is.

  • The three reasons why you get anxious and how to work with them instead of against
  • Step-By-Step Exercises exercises that use psychologists' favorite tool to overcome social anxiety.
  • Learn about the refocus paradox and what people truly want
  • A 3 step solution to work through anxious feelings that has been scientifically proven to work
  • How to set achievable goals without feeling overwhelmed and lose motivation

Module 2:

How to Ace the first few moments

And make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible by being assertive and taking the lead from the get-go.

You'll make sure you don't leave it up to chance

and set the tone you want.

  • Stop experiencing awkward hello's with conversation techniques
  • How to use Assertivity as a tool to destroy awkwardness
  • The technique that taught me how to keep eye contact and how I started enjoying it
  • A counter intuitive tactic to jump over limiting expectations
  • The 3 point eye contact technique
  • How mirror and matching actually works
  • Start to love when people tell you no and how to transform it to a resounding Yes!
  • How to use your voice and learn to interpret it

Module 3:

How to have more fun during a photoshoot

Stop relying on the enthusiasm of your models.

It's one thing that you are nice to your models, but sharing your excitement and create a fun experience for them is even more important to get the best results.

  • The Butter in any shoot; SPEEEED
  • Learn about 6 different styles of compliments and Stop coming over as a creep with only complimenting looks
  • Become a better photographer by stealing and self-portraits
  • How to never run out of things to say and make sure you dont have awkward silences
  • How to avoid question fatigue and start having actual conversations instead of interviews
  • The Most Powerful Shortcut to connect with people
  • The Backbone of any authentic connections and why you shouldn't be afraid of sharing your opinions and emotions
  • Oh and Finally let go of perfection

Module 4:

What happens After the photoshoot

It doesn't stop at the last picture you take. How you deal with feedback, how you follow up

and deliver on your promises is equally important.

  • Learn to stop avoiding negetive feedback and allow yourself to be photographer
  • The FFF System to build your network and avoind burning bridges
  • How to make sure people want to come back for more by leaving a great aftertaste
  • Learn to avoid awkward tension at the end and Become fluent in saying goodbye

Bonus 1

Module 5 : Earning your money back

Value Over $2000

In this extra module, I'll share with you how I leveraged my social skills and one afternoon to gain clients without the need for an online portfolio, website, or paying for ads.

  • The power behind reframing shoots as a gift and using reciprocity
  • How to leverage freeshoots and stop wasting time
  • Avoid fishing in the desert and catch a Big Fat Paying Fish
  • How to do it different and how to do it better
  • How I leveraged one afternoon filled with free shoots to gain well paying clients
  • A script, A gift and a mail away to succes

Bonus 2: Life-long access and Updates

With your feedback and questions I will make this course better and more helpful along the way.

Bonus 3: Presets

Send to your mail box on a monthly basis! So even if you are still learning editing you got everything you need to start.

Bonus 4: Community on Whatsapp

Truly, ask your questions! It helps me help others even better.

Ready to

give yourself a chance?

I am Mathias from The Awkward Photographer, and I'm not a psychologist.

But I am someone who was struggling with assertiveness until I used photography to overcome my social anxieties.

I am on a mission to help people like you and me overcome theirs, too.

Start now, get more out of life and improve your career by learning how to use photography as a tool to become more assertive.

So let me help you do what I have done, but way faster!

That's like a cappuccino for each lesson.. and I Love those

You could buy another piece of gear, but that won't make you take any better pictures and is more pricey.

Or you could buy an expensive sales course.

Which sell for an average of $600…

But they'll only teach you how to sell; you'll still feel awful.

In this course, I share my favorite technique to gain clients for free. It's way more accessible, will boost your confidence, and you'll also make some money!

Start now without risking your money! I don't want money to be the only thing keeping you from living your best life.

If you followed along until this point, it is clear that this is important for you.

That's why I want you to register now

It'll change your life!

To give you a sense of security

I want to offer a 60 day Guaranteed Money back if you do not like the first 4 modules.

Are you ready to use the most powerful tool to connect with people and change the course of your life in a simple step by step process?

You'll never miss a life changing opportunity again if you..

To recap all of this: when you register for this course of 4 modules, you'll receive 19 videos and 1 bonus module that teaches you my most powerful technique to gain clients.

You can register for only $79. If you realize that photography isn't for you and this course doesn't help?

Then I'll give you your money back.

My hope is that with this small investment, you'll gain so much more than any other thing you've tried.

After that, we'll be able to work closer together because you'll have a direct line with me to ask questions.

So are you ready to start a new chapter in your life.

Register Now For The Awkward Photographer Course and Finally Stop Worrying that your heart might explode from stressful social situations and become a master at making people feel at ease in front of your camera.

For only $79, you'll gain instant access to the material and bonuses. Thanks to the Guaranteed Money Back, you have nothing to lose.

© The Awkward Photographer || KBO 1004.744.113

Leliestraat 2 - 2222 Itegem